Tuesday, September 7, 2010



What do you think of when you hear OMEGA 3 & OMEGA 6 essential fatty acids?  Fish and flax?
The first thing that comes to ours is restoration.  These essential fatty acids are an incredible source of
moisture to the skin.  Taken internally or applied externally, this powerful combination of moisture elements
can work to keep skin in good condition during rough weather.

In addition to the mainstream use of IDELT MAJEUR,  this rich cream can be used after all skin resurfacing treatments.  Have you ever had laser hair removal?  The treated area can become very dry!  Have you ever had fraxel treatment?  This treatment will leave the treated skin area very dry and often red.  What about a chemical peel or micro derm?  These skin resurfacing treatments have become quite popular over the last 10 years.  The only downside to extreme skin resurfacing can be redness, exposed skin to the point of being near raw and of course a tinge of pain.  Regular use of IDELT MAJEUR can help to heal skin after these types of treatments.

The cream is easy to use, simply squeeze a dime-size amount onto the fingertips and apply to the desired area of skin.  The skin will literally drink in this cream.  More than one application may be desired!  For more soothing results, chill IDELT MAJEUR when not in use.     
To enhance the results of your moisture treatment, we suggest you take the OMEGA 3 & OMEGA 6 essential fatty acids found in ELTEANS.  ELTEANS is a special formula that provides these necessary essential fatty acids.  Remember, the body does not naturally create the OMEGA 3 & OMEGA 6 essential fatty acids, but needs them for many good reasons.  The skin also benefits from these essential fatty acids.  Applied topically and taken internally, the skin will greatly benefit from both products together!  


Photo credits:  FutureFaceUS, drandrewwebber.com